Enrollment Process for the Upcoming 2024-2025 School Year To help streamline the registration process we have provided all of the necessary registration forms on the "Documents" tab in downloadable formats.
If you are enrolling a new first year student, there are the six key requirements: 1)PHCC-NCIA registration form. 2)Tuition payment via check or credit card. 3)Records release form - giving the employer permission to receive the student’s grades. 4)The 3-page “Application as an Apprentice Plumber” for the state. 5)A $10 dollar check made out to the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency for the processing fee. 6)The Department of Labor form ETA 671 completed online.
Some additional information to know about the state and federal forms:
The state “Application as an Apprentice Plumber” This form may be filled out by hand. On page 3, the section labeled “Approved Program Sponsor” is to be filled out by the office. Please leave that section blank. The state requires the signature of the school administrator to certify that the student is enrolled in our program and logging classroom hours.
The Dept. of Labor form #671 This federal form must be filled out and completed online using the RAPIDS database system. (RAPIDS stands for Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Data System) The link to access this site is https://dol.appiancloud.com/suite. The form needed to register an apprentice is ETA (Employment Training Administration) #671. For any trouble logging in or completing the form, please call our local Department of Labor representative, Alicia Razor, in South Bend at (574)236-8295. She will return your call in a timely manner and assist you with the online portal.
Employers of returning 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year students need only to complete these three items: 1)Our PHCC-NCIA registration form. 2)Tuition payment via check or credit card. 3)Records Release form - giving the employer permission to receive the student’s grades.
All completed registration forms and tuition payments may be submitted to the office by mail or by email.